
Cookies on our website

We use cookies on our ICG Specialty Chemicals website to enhance the services we offer. We want to provide you with the most enjoyable browsing experience as well as help us manage effective marketing campaigns to fulfill the reasons stated by our Privacy Statement.

They are tiny texts that can be stored on your device, i.e computer, or mobile phone via the website’s page. On the website, you are able to give consent for cookies to be stored on your device.

The cookies we set and their functions are described in the following:

Analytics Cookies

We utilize analytics to analyze our website’s usage. In order to do this, a permanent cookie is installed on your mobile or computer device. This provides us with information about the frequency of your visits to our website and how often you use it. This information is used to improve our website, and thus we can make sure that the website operates in the best possible way.

We collect anonymous data about web-based visits. This is accomplished using the web analysis system. The data that is stored through cookies within this web analytics system include:

  • The IP address
  • technical properties, such as the web browser you are using (for instance Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox) and the resolution of your display
  • the page that you left to take you to the page you left to access our site
  • the time and duration you use or visit our website for.
  • whether you are using the function included in our website, or you use the functionality embedded in our
  • Which pages of our website do we have you visiting?

For social interaction

On Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide information on how our ads perform on these social networks and display our advertisements adjusted to your preferences (interest-based targetting).

For advertising

These can give information about which ads and the media that are used are successful. We may display our ads on other websites once you have been to any of our sites (interest-based targeting)

Cookies are removed

The most efficient method to delete cookies is to use your browser. Use the Help function for more information. Via you can remove third-party cookies centrally so that these files will not be replaced on your device by another website.